Goals of the International Inner Wheel Theme 2023 - 2024


Each year, the International President presents a theme to unite members towards a common achievement. When over 100,000 members prevail with one passion, the results can create the change across nations and for generations.

The International Inner Wheel theme for 2023-2024 is “Shine A Light”. As Inner Wheel commemorates her 100th anniversary of formation, President Trish Douglas gives a clarion call to members to work hard and work smart for a better future for the next generation. Therefore, “Shine A Light” is the theme of
two flagship initiatives which are critical to make that happen:

  1. Brighten Lives for the Future, and
  2. Mental Wellness Brightens Lives.

Brighten Lives for the Future

The world is experiencing unprecedented natural catastrophes of apocalyptic proportions. We know the issues are huge and the impacts widespread. If unchecked and unreversed, the next generation will have to fight for survival. Today, many communities suffer from the lack of clean air and clean drinking water; flimsy protection against the cold and the heat; and the loss of home and refuge. The future of the world looks dire. How can we brighten lives and give hope for the future?

Inner Wheel’s objective of encouraging personal service means that members are volunteers at the grassroots to offer selfless service. Inner Wheel Clubs have all along worked individually and should continue to do so for their own smaller projects. In the last decades, as issues became more widespread and made known through the Internet, there have been concerted efforts by several Inner Wheel Clubs, Districts and National Governing Bodies, who have implemented projects for whole communities or regions. When Inner Wheel members have more of these synergies, the light shines even brighter – this is excellent news and is the way forward.
In conducting our projects, Inner Wheel’s main focus is on women. This year, Inner Wheel will continue to campaign for Strong Women Stronger World. As a proponent of UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Inner Wheel projects are aligned with UN Women’s initiatives to contribute towards the
achievement of multiple SDGs. Sustainability is the catchword. A suggested strategy is to create a pathway that empowers women of the community with knowledge, practical know-how, and stimulating economic opportunities that develops towards self-sustainability – not in one go, but cycled to improve progressively.
Here are some topics adapted from UN Women’s initiatives which can be refined into manageable parts:
  • Climate-smart agriculture in aid of women in farming and improving income in “green value,”
  • Entrepreneurs of climate-change. To empower women, to be the agents of change rather than just the consumer of change such as engaging in promotion, education, clean-up campaigns, tree-planting.
  • Women as agents of change in the home, the neighbourhood, the village, and their workplace by spearheading activities to adopt renewable energy possibilities, good recycling practices, community gardening and greening their environment.
  • Alleviating energy poverty of women. Statistics record that many women in remote areas run households without electricity and efficient fuel for cooking.

Mental Wellness Brightens Lives

There are increasing reports of mental illnesses, stress, trauma, victimisation, and displacement which have resulted in suicides, shootings and stabbings, violence such as domestic abuse and homelessness. It is a darkness in lives, filled with negativity and destruction. Many Inner Wheel Clubs worldwide have
been actively supporting to uplift and brightening the lives of those who are hurt and in pain. More can be done, for the work is unfinished.

  • Below are some initiatives:
    UN Women says, “The contribution of women and girls to peacebuilding continues to go undervalued and under-resourced, leaving untapped an incredible tool for transformative change and sustainable peace.” Inner Wheel Clubs can be represented in formal and informal
    decisions and operational processes of a community or institutional board, focusing on women and girls’ human rights, safety, physical and mental health, and security. Inner Wheel can be a partner of change.
  • Empower women by a pathway of awareness, training, workshops and support avenues for women of a community so that they have the capacity to prevent, prepare for, respond in aid to and recover in an emergency, crisis, or disaster. This will promote community resilience.

Membership in Inner Wheel Brightens Lives

Currently, Inner Wheel has the power of over 100,000 voluntary members. Is this enough? Not at all. International Inner Wheel is calling for the formation of more Clubs filled with energetic and smart women having like-minded passion to brighten lives. The work is plentiful, but the hands are few. Inner Wheel Clubs are reminded to promote and sign-up membership for every programme and every project. There is no better time and example of the good work that
members do then when work is in action – it is the time when the heart of Inner Wheel members shines in all that they think, say and do.